The Level’s Impact – Sarah’s Story

‘By the time I reached The Level in August 2021 for the second time, actually my 3rd detox, this time I knew it was do or die an addict. I knew I must stop drinking and using, as it had not only destroyed me physically and emotionally it had taken everything that I had ever … Read more

A message from Matt

My name is Matt. I came into The Level for the first time in October 2020. I really struggled with my mental health as I was detoxing off a number of different substances. I would just isolate myself and didn’t take part in any of the groups. I completed the treatment but required a second … Read more

The Sikh Recovery Network

The Sikh Recovery Network is a peer-led charity that aims to provide a network of recovery services to individuals who are struggling to cope with alcohol and drug addiction with a particular focus on the Panjabi Sikh community. Upcoming event: Sikh Recovery Day Walk

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