The Level’s Impact – Sarah’s Story

‘By the time I reached The Level in August 2021 for the second time, actually my 3rd detox, this time I knew it was do or die an addict.

I knew I must stop drinking and using, as it had not only destroyed me physically and emotionally it had taken everything that I had ever loved away from me, including myself.

I had never had any real clean time, as I had not only a drink and drug addiction I had an underlying methadone addiction which I could never stop. Being at The Level gave me that chance, and I am so grateful I took it. 


My detox took 18 days this time to get me to some sort of level of semblance. I wasn’t willing at the time, to take part in many groups, in my head, I was definitely not one of those people who did AA or NA, but I started to become willing to participate in some of the other groups like SMART, meditation and self help lessons looking at behaviours and things that had happened in the past. 

In doing this and listening to some of the life stories of other people that were in here with me, and the staff that worked in the detox, opened up my mind a little to give me that glimmer of hope that I was looking for.’

 – Sarah

Sarah (in the middle) with The Level team

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